Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Electrical Candles vs. Wax Candles

Stuff like bdellium, frankincense, candles and diyas are inseparable parts of Hindu festivals. But one thing I've been noticing these days is that people are much interested in using the electrical candles, although frankincense and bdelliums are still much in use.

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I was quite inquisitive about it and tried to find out as to why people are looking for the electrical candles instead of the real ones. My grandma is hyper-sensitive to the trace of smoke. I found it to be a real blast to decorate my house with all electrical candles instead of the real diyas and candles. There's no smoke and I don't feel uncomfortable with a candles glowing unsupervised in my patio and windows.

  • If you want to decorate your garden and entrances with candles without being blown off, electrical candle is the only answer.
  • If you don't want the wax to drip on to the floor, electrical candle is the best solution.
  • If you want to have a safe Diwali, there's no other substitute of electrical candles.
  • If you want to enjoy a romantic candlelit dinner with your loved one where candles should not go off even at a slightest breeze, electrical candle is the right choice. Yes this is how technology has made it possible that flickering LED can keep the flame of your love glitter for ever.

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posted by priyanka Joshi at 6:00 PM, |