Monday, September 17, 2007

How To Wash Rugs At Home For Diwali

With Diwali just around the corner, we should start the preparing for it by now. Cleaning our homes and decorating them are the first steps for Diwali preparation.
If you're having beautiful oriental rugs to wash and looking for the right person whom you can offload your headache on, you're probably on the wrong track. Cleaning carpets can be really expensive. Oriental woolen rugs are easy to wash. So if you have a bit of time on your hands you should better do it yourself. Here's how:

Step 1: Vacuum clean the rugs both sides well to wipe of the dusts first.

Step 2: Use high quality stain removers like ... to spot clean the stain. It's better if you test it in an invisible area to see if the colors run.

Step3: Take the rug outside and place it over a plain area and wet it thoroughly with a garden hose. Pour liquid mild cleaner in a bucket full of cold water. Using clean sponge mop apply the suds thoroughly over the rug's surface. Rub it gently.

Step 4: Rinse the rug well when you are done with applying suds.

Step 5: Remove excess water. Let it lay flat under the sun for sometime and then take it away from the direct sun as it may cause the color to fade out.

Just imagine how easy it is! You can save a lot of money out there too. And you can have some extra fun – extra sweets, extra fireworks and extra decors with whatever money that you're saving. Isn't that a good idea? Have a safe and happy Diwali. Wish and be wished with lots of good wishes by your near and dear ones across the globe. Reach out to your loved ones with your innermost thoughts who will not be with you this Dusserah and Diwali.

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posted by priyanka Joshi at 3:39 PM, |