Monday, October 8, 2007

Diwali Decor: Decorating Your Home

Arguments can start over something as simple as whether to buy the traditional diyas -- the earthen oil lamp, or have electric lights instead this Diwali. Your spouse may accuse you of always being indecisive and you may point out that your partner is one of the hopeless spendthrifts. The exchange may end up when you find something which is as interesting and important as this. And you will wonder why both of you always get into such silly arguments over and over again.

If you've decided to go for the electric ones, you can decorate your patio and balcony with diyas and candles that are not real. They will still give an awesome real look when seen from a distance. The electrical candles and diyas are small and very simple electrical gadgets that look like original candles or diyas and glow when plugged into an electrical outlet. This resemble a perfect candle or a diya with a small bulb that glows very much like a flickering flame from a distance.

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The electrical candles are gaining popularity day by day as they can illuminate windows and patios like the original ones and you don't have to worry about whether the oil is still there or burnt off. One thing I really like about these electrical candles is that most of them have in-built sensors that turn the light off during the day and on with the sunset. This will save power.

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posted by priyanka Joshi at 3:17 PM, |


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