Monday, November 5, 2007

Congressional Resolution To Celebrating Diwali In USA

Guess what? I have good news! The Congressional Resolution celebrating Diwali in USA has been passed by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives by a unanimous vote on 25th October 2007. And soon after the resolution was passed the congressman Mr. Joe Wilson said that it was an opportunity for Congress to acknowledge the shared values of kinship, knowledge, and goodness celebrated during the five day festival. The Executive Director of HAF, Ishani Chowdury, said that it was the enthusiastic commitment of the Congressmen Wilson and McDermott that Diwali has been recognized to be celebrated in USA.

With Diwali edging on -- November 9th, 2007, the office of Hindu American Foundation in Washington DC is buzzing with activities. The staffers are planning their strategies for pushing for a rapid vote in the full House on H.Res. 747. Click here to check out the Press Release on Diwali resolution.

I just wanted to extend my whole hearted Diwali wishes and lots of thanks these tireless advocates, Wilson and McDermott and all the other member of Congress for taking such a noble initiative.

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posted by priyanka Joshi at 4:58 PM, | 376 comments
Friday, November 2, 2007

Organised Display of Diwali Fireworks -- Warwickshire

With Diwali edging near, I can find people – especially of Indian origin, becoming more and more excited about fireworks. It's in this regard that Mr. William Brown, County Fire Officer (Warwickshire), said: “Every year people are killed and injured because they were careless with fire. Candles and Fireworks mark special occasions and create a special atmosphere. Candles bring fire into your home and fireworks are explosives and should be treated with care. Please follow these simple guidelines and have a safe Diwali... I want the people of Warwickshire to have an enjoyable Bonfire Night and the safest way to enjoy fireworks is to go to an organized firework party.”

He pointed out certain very significant points in regards to organized fireworks displays that should be kept in mind, doesn't really matter where you live. It's really a wonderful idea to launch a planned organized firework show in your locality. Here are some tips that I found over the net this weekend.
  • Advance notice has to be givend to the Fire and Rescue Service and it is only after the approval of your notice that you can arrange for an organized firework display. Please contact the fire safety helpline of your area.
  • Make sure that you have a lot of open space to let off the fireworks. Enough space should be available for the spectators to keep a safe distance from the fireworks.
  • Use a strong barrier to mark the prohibited zone.
  • The aerial fireworks must be angled away from the spectators to steer clear of accidents.
  • Make sure that the entrances and exits are clearly marked and are free from obstruction.
  • Make sure that you've clearly mentioned in advance that spectators should not bring in their own fireworks.
  • Make proper arrangements for fire extinguishers, metal litter bins and water.
  • Make sure that people who would be lighting fireworks would not consume alcohol.
  • Make sure that fireworks are kept closed in a metal box while other fireworks show is on.
So friends, let's enjoy a safe Diwali and have a lot of fun with fireworks on Diwali 2007.

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posted by priyanka Joshi at 5:39 PM, | 37 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2007

Diwali Celebrations - Bush Opted Out

You won't believe what I've just heard today. It's a bit on the 'spicy' side and I'm sure that you guys would enjoy reading it. Although it happened last year but I thought you might not be aware of the fact. NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations), which is the American stock market, saluted the festive spirit of India for Diwali.

It was in 2006 that the Sensex scaled a good hike. With that America's largest electronic screen based equity securities trading market honored India's festive spirit by decorating its stock market tower with the Indian flag.

The sad news is, while the world's most cited market index celebrated this Indian festival of light and decorated themselves with Indian colors in the midst if the dazzling neons of Times Square, Mr. Bush had expressed his feeling that it was really depressing. He stayed away from the Diwali party hosted in his own White House! His excuse? He didn't want to "set a precedent for the celebration of a 'country-specific religion'". I think that's where the misconception lies. Diwali is not just celebrated by "Indians". It's celebrated all over the world. You can read my post on Diwali around the world.

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I can say for sure that he could not understand the fact that Diwali is actually an Indian festival celebrated by the Indian dispora and not an event specifically of Hindu religion or country specific. I'll be anticipating your comments to this.

I think it really doesn't matter whether it's a festival of "country-specific religion" or an Indian festival -- the good news is that we can now celebrate the spirit of Diwali here in US as per the resolution of Mr. Joe Wilson. So lets stay in touch and share our love on Diwali 2007. Let's celebrate the spirit of Diwali. Oh if you want to read more about Mr. Bush here's that Diwali article.

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posted by priyanka Joshi at 2:39 PM, | 11 comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Diwali In US

Friends! Enough of Diwali sweets, Diwali decoration and Diwali firework talk. Here awaits a very exciting news for the people of Indian origin who have been staying in US for years. Guess what? You don't have to miss the very typical Indian flavor of the Festival of light now even in USA. Yes, the US house of representatives has passed a resolution recognising the spiritrual, religious and historical importance of Diwali. So, whether you are in New York or FLorida, you can celebrate Diwali even though you are thousands of miles away from your very own land.

The co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans, Mr. Joe Wilson said, "My resolution acknowledges the international, religious, and historical importance of the festival of Diwali as well as the religious diversity in India, the United States, and throughout the world. It shows our support for the strong and growing partnership and dialogue in international efforts between the United States and India".

Isn't that really a great news for us? So why wasting time? Let's freak out for the celebration of Diwali in US. If you feel you are already too late to arrange for the celebation for Diwali 2007, don't worry. Better early than late! You can start making plans for celebrating Diwali 2008.

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posted by priyanka Joshi at 11:24 AM, | 88 comments
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

When is Diwali?

Diwali is almost around the corner – not even a couple of weeks away. Diwali usually falls on the day of “Amavasya” in the month of October or November. In 2007 Diwali is going to be celebrated on the 9th of November and is expected to be celebrated with its unusual and extraordinary glory like every year. However all that I want to say you all today is may you have a happy and a prosperous Diwali 2007. Wish and be wished with love and fondness. Play safe with fireworks. Have lots of special Diwali sweets like Motichur Laddu and Rabdi. May you be blessed with the fountain of fun on Diwali 2007.

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posted by priyanka Joshi at 4:14 PM, | 6 comments
Monday, October 29, 2007

Devotional Diwali Songs

When it comes to Diwali songs, we mean to say the songs that are usually sung during Aartis. Aartis are the special prayers to the Lords, through which people admire and appraise the Lord and pray Him to shower them with His blessings. Aartis are sung in the melodious tunes usually in groups and that gives a special touch of auspiciousness to the festival. No doubt about it that Diwali songs tend infuse a special spirit on this very glorious festival of light.

Here are some of the aarti songs with their lyrics that you can listen to, although these are of typical Indian tunes:

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posted by priyanka Joshi at 10:51 AM, | 6 comments
Friday, October 26, 2007

How to Make Rabdi – Special Diwali Sweets

I don't know whether Diwali festival is celebrated in your country or not. But one thing I can say for sure that with this special Diwali recipe you can create a real blast in any of other occasion ... not to exclude Halloween and Thanksgiving. It is also very easy to make this yummy Diwali recipe.

  • Buffalo Milk – 15 cups
  • Sugar – 6½ table spoon
  • Pistachio powder – 1 tea spoon full
  • Kewra essence (concentrated oil made from Pandanus flowers) – 6 drops
  • Cardamom Powder (green) – 2 pinches

Step 1: Take the milk in a deep heavy pan and heat it until it starts boiling.
Step 2: Once the milk starts boiling put down the flame to simmer and add the sugar, cardamom seeds.
Step 3: Continue to heat it over the low flame for two hours (until the quantity reduces to a quarter) and stir it occasionally.
Step 4: After 2 hours of constant heating, put off the flame, add pistachio powder and stir it well so that the powder gets mixed well.
Step 5: Let it cool down to room temperature. Let it stiffen up and then put it into the refrigerator.
Step 6: Sprinkle some more cardamom powder and serve cold.

This is one of the special Diwali recipes that I love the most among all the huge assortment of typical Indian sweet dishes. I am sure you can also surprise your guests with this yummy Diwali recipe on your birthday party or anniversary or any other major occasions. Just try this out to substitute the desserts from your menu and see the wonder.

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posted by priyanka Joshi at 1:52 PM, | 8 comments